Preliminary Theological Certificate
OEC runs a PTC course every term. These courses are for any Christian who wants to grow in their knowledge and love of God and grow in their ministry skills, to help them serve in their local church and be disciple makers. Christians who are retired, students, shift workers, mums, dads, unemployed, tradies and professionals will all benefit from this course.
A new subject begins each school term. You are welcome to join the course at the beginning of each subject.
Please register below for Term 1 2025 ‘Introduction to the Bible’. It will start on Monday 10th February from 7:15pm-9:15pm.
The cost for Christian Worship is $40 or $80 to sit the exam.
There are no entry requirements - just come! It’s a great way to learn more about God’s word.
Introduction to the Bible - Term 1, 2025
This subject is a great way to see how the overall picture of the bible fits together into one cohesive story. See how God had planned humanity’s salvation from the very beginning and how the whole bible points to Jesus.
Course Outline
Learners will study the following 9 subjects:
Sometimes it can be quite difficult to understand how the Bible is relevant to us today particularly when reading the Old Testament. This unit explores how the Bible fits together not just as a collection of stories but as one big story that reveals God’s plan to save people through Jesus. As we come to understand how the Bible reveals God’s plan, we will better understand how each part of the Bible is relevant to us today.
New Testament 1 is a study of the Gospel of Mark. This unit investigates the story at the heart of Christianity; the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As well as gaining an understanding of the contents, meaning and significance of Mark’s Gospel participants will learn skills to read, understand and apply the Bible.
Old Testament 1 is a study of the first five books of the Bible (Genesis to Deuteronomy). These books teach important truths that are critical for understanding the rest of the Bible. Understanding these books also gives a deeper appreciation of Jesus, his ministry and the life he calls us to live.
Talking to a non-Christian friend about your belief in Jesus can be challenging. What do you include? What can you leave out? This unit explores the central truths of the Christian message and various ways of explaining these truths simply to others.
We might be tempted to think that Church history is all about names, places and dates and hence is boring and irrelevant. But Church History is so much more than this! It’s about learning from the successes and failures of those who have gone before us: how Christians have understood their faith, how Christians have lived their faith. Studying Church History will stretch our understanding of God, challenge our ideas of how we should live and encourage us as we see God’s sovereignty and His work in preparing Christians for the New Creation.
We live in a fast paced, product driven society where success is always measured by efficiency and productivity. Are these the values Christians should adopt in prioritising their ministry and life? How do we prioritise the many opportunities presented to us and the demands people place on us with the many responsibilities we have so that we live faithful, godly Christian lives? This unit helps us think through how to manage opportunities, demands and responsibilities at home, at church, in our community; to family & friends so that we might be wise & godly stewards of the time and resources God has given us.
Jesus was a disciple maker and he calls his followers to be disciple makers too (Matthew 28). This unit explores what the Bible says about making disciples and the implications for our lives as we encourage, comfort and urge others to live lives worthy of God who calls us into his kingdom and glory.
Bible Study groups are very important in growing a healthy church. This unit provides training in the skills necessary for writing Bible studies and leading small groups. The goal of learning these skills is to equip leaders in developing Christians and extending the gospel of Christ.
This unit is designed to help participants live in a way that honours Jesus in their families whether they are married, divorced, single, parents or not. It gives a Biblical overview of the nature and purposes of marriage and parenting. This provides the grounding for practical instruction on conflict, raising children, living as a single person, courting and homosexuality. It has a special emphasis on how local churches can support couples, parents, and singles. It explores how in each life situation we can follow Jesus and to reach out to others with his love.
Christian doctrine is the explanation about God as He has revealed it to us. The aim of this subject is to develop a better knowledge of God and God's revelations to the world. It will enable us to not only increase our knowledge of God, but serve Him better. The topics covered will include themes such as creation, God, mankind, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation and the resurrection.
Want more info?
Get in touch with Ed