Have you heard someone mention Jesus and want to find out more for yourself? Maybe you’ve attended church for some time, but you feel like you don’t “get it”, or you have nagging questions that have gone unresolved? Do you have a friend who has big questions and you’re not sure how to answer them.
Come yourself or bring a friend to Simply Christianity.
Simply Christianity is a short course (5 sessions) designed to explain the story of the Christian faith in a simple way. Based on the Gospel of Luke, Simply Christianity looks at who Jesus is, what he did and what it means to be a follower of his. There is lots of opportunity to explore the gospel’s place in history as well as ample opportunity to find the answers to any questions that have been on your mind.
To find out about our next Simply Christianity course, get in touch with Tim via the button below.
Frequently asked questions about Simply Christianity.
Simply Christianity is for anyone who wants to understand what is at the heart of the Christian faith. Whether you’ve attended church for 50 years, or have never heard about Jesus at all, this course provides an opportunity to unpack what the Bible says and to find answers to questions that you might have.
The course normally runs for between one and one and a half hours.
We spend some time having a cuppa and chatting, we’ll watch a short video, and then we spend some time in open discussion. You can speak up as little or as much as you’d like!
Simply Christianity goes for 5 weeks.
Of course you can! No hard feelings!
It’s free!
No, all course materials are provided
We hope not!
It's not a church service - there's no praying, singing or clapping, and you won't be asked to read aloud
Each evening includes a talk designed to explain an aspect of Christian belief and to stimulate discussion. Hopefully you'll find it challenging and amusing. The group leaders will facilitate discussion and try to answer questions
Not if you don't want to! You are welcome to come and just sit and listen.
Christians believe that the gospel isn’t just good news for people who grew up in church. The story about Jesus, his life, death and resurrection contains good news for everyone, so we look forward to the opportunity to share this good news with others. Believing the gospel to be true, Christians also encourage people to ask the questions that they have and see how there are answers to be found in the gospel.
Get in touch to find out more about Simply Christianity.