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David Robertson Seminar

  • Orange Evangelical Church 2 Cottonwood Way Orange, NSW, 2800 Australia (map)

Parent, Youth Leader & Interested Adult Seminar

Christian people want to see children grow and flourish as followers of Jesus, and our young people need God's word to shape the way they'll walk into a wide, challenging, questioning, post-Christian world.  David Robertson will wisely help you to navigate children's REAL WORLD questions with his brave, straight,  REAL WORD answers. Come and hear David speak on these issues, and bring your questions along.

David Robertson has worked in Scotland as a pastor till 2019. He now works as evangelist for ASK (Ask, Seek, Knock), involved in education, media, churches and various forms of outreach as a speaker, writer and broadcaster. He has written 6 books including ASK, an apologetic book for teenagers. He is looking forward to helping us to wisely help young people grow up in our world. David's personal blog is

16 June

OEC Youth

22 June
